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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-09-08 18:49:48 Views : 15258 Get first Orb easily in Fracture Hills In Fracture Hills, instead of going all the way around the course to get the first Orb, you can take a shortcut. Go backwards and jump through the speedy power-up to the edge on the left. Then, run around the building. When you get to the front keep going, then turn around before you hit the tree. Next, run towards the building jump and break the door. Note: This takes skill. Turn Spyro blue Pause the game and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, X. Find Gems Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and Sparks will point you in the direction of the nearest Gem. Turn Spyro yellow Pause the game and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Up. Permanent Super Fireball You get to go to "Dragon Shores" after defeating Ripto. All 10,000 gems and 64 orbs are required to enter the door at that location. A permanent Super Fireball power-up is inside. After picking up the permanent Super Fireball power-up, finish "Dragon Shores" and exit the game. Then, without turning off the PlayStation, overwrite the character that was just used to complete the game. Restart the game and it should allow you to keep the Fire Ball ability from the very beginning. Epilogue Complete all sixteen skill points to unlock the "Epilogue" section in the guidebook. This option reveals what happens after the game as well as enemies that were made but were not in the final version. Save money at Glimmer In the first level, enable the "Abilities" code, then climb up the ladder and get the Orb. Fly over the bridge and you will not have to pay Money Bags. Start a new game and enable the "Abilities" code. Next, kill ten enemies before talking to Moneybags. After killing all ten of them, climb up the ladder. Do not pay Moneybags to let down the bridge. The flying power-up should be active. Go through it and fly across the unopened bridge saving the 100 gems that would have been paid to Moneybags. Turn Spyro pink Pause the game and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square. Final gems in Fracture Hills Use one of the following ways to break open the gray box in the little room in Fracture Hills. Once you have rescued all six satyrs, the temple will open up. Get the super charge and go all the way through until you come out of the last cave (with the ramp leading to it). For the easiest way to open the box, go up to the high part of the ramp, jump left and land on the top most level if possible. Jump left again into the room with the box. A second, more difficult way to do this, is to jump immediately to the left when you emerge from the cave, onto the ledge on the roof of the temple. Follow this to the end and then jump into the room getting the box. The third and most difficult way to open the box, is to get the super charge and immediately turn left and jump. Three more precisely timed jumps are required to get into the room. Permanent Super Fireball You get to go to "Dragon Shores" after defeating Ripto. All 10,000 gems and 64 orbs are required to enter the door at that location. A permanent Super Fireball power-up is inside. After completing the game and receiving 100%, pick up the Permanent Fire Ball ability, finish "Dragon Shores" and exit the game. Then, without turning off the PlayStation, overwrite the character that was just used to complete the game. Restart the game and it should allow you to keep the Fire Ball ability from the very beginning. Abilities Pause the game and press Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Square to obtain the swimming, climbing, and headbash abilities without going to the respective levels and buying them from Moneybags. Summer Forest: 1)The first one is vary ismple just find Hunter and do what he says. 2)After leaning how to swim go to the stream at the begining of the world and follow it to the pond, dive into the pond geting the gems and follow the underwater tunnal and up the staircace to the orb. 3)Go to the "Ocean Speedway" portal and then go to the switch and make sure the door closest to you is closed, then jump on the window sill and glyed to the next one(you have to huver) then on the table you will see the orb. 4)After learning to climb go to the only ladder in the home and climb it, run on the ledge geting the gems and the final orb. Turn Spyro red Pause the game and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Circle. View credits Pause the game and press Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right. 10,000 gems Money Bags gives you all your gems that you paid him back after beating Ripto, thus giving you 10,000 gems if you collected all of them. Flat mode Pause the game and press Left, Right, Left, Right, L2, R2, L2, R2, Square. Winter Tundra: 1)This one is very simple just headbash the biggest rock. 2)Start going up the staircace you use to get to "Ripto's Arina" but only go up til the steps start closeing in, then glyed to the wall on your left to get the orb. 3)Go to the same place you went to get the second orb but insted glyed to the right jump into the water there and dive in go through the underwater tunnle and go up you will see the orb just in front of the waterfall.Good Luck!! Finish Sunny Beach without baby turtles Get to the second big turtle that you push on the circle to open the gate. Do not push him. Instead, go past him and to the ladder. Enable the "Abilities" code. Go up the ladder and glide to the ledge across from you. From here, glide to the ledge with the man and the Turtle Box. Go halfway across the bridge and jump down on your left. Look to your right and you will see that the baby turtles are still trapped behind the gate. You may now finish the level without the baby turtles. Charge, jump and glide Much like the Tomb Raider games, you can mock Lara's run, jump, and grab move with a Spyro twist. On a ledge, you can charge, jump, and glide and almost never have to hover. When you charge off the cliff and jump off the very edge, you get a little boost into the air, thus allowing you to glide farther without hovering. Extra health and lives To make Sparx the dragon fly healthy, ram or flame the small creatures in each level (the ones that cannot hurt you). A butterfly will appear, which Sparx will eat, and cause him to change color. When Sparx is gold, you can be hit by an enemy three times before you dying. Even when Sparx is gold, keep flaming or ramming the small creatures. Eventually a shiny, blue butterfly will appear. When Sparx eats this, he will not only turn gold, but you will gain an extra life. Autum Plains: 1)Go up the vortex that takes you to "Metro Speedway" and then glyed to the wall run to the end and charge the craked wall to reaveale the orb. 2)Go to the staircace that leads you to "Gulp's Overlook" and charge the cracked wall go in the vortex and get the gems go in the second vortex and tower, from the tower superglied to the small platform you see get the orb and gems. Gems in Autumn Plains On the level of "Scorch" in Autumn plains, before you get to the big bridge, press the button to make the bridge go down. Then, go down the stairs to the point at which you are even with the green lava. Proceed under the bridge, walk onto the platform, then jump in the whirlwind. You should find eight or so dynamite vases. Flame one, and a chair reaction will happen. After that, you will be up to your tail in gems. Summer Forest Idol Springs portal As you first enter the world, swim in the pond. At the far side is a tunnel to the first of three puzzles. To complete the first puzzle, jump on the squares to turn the blocks yellow. Jump on the four corners in any order. Then, swim out to the idol in the center of the pond. Blow fire at the fish as they leap out of the water. Only blow at the blue and orange fish. The red ones will deduct fish. At the last puzzle, jump on the blocks in this order: blue triangle, gray triangle, yellow star, orange octagon, and green star. Save a life If you fall off the side of a cliff press [Start] and select the "Exit Level" option. Re-enter the level to resume from the beginning, but will all lives intact. Turn Spyro green Pause the game and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Triangle. Hanging gem in Glimmer In Glimmer, go to where the portal is located. Go left and go forward. There will be a power-up. Go through it and go to the top. You will not reach it by flying. You need to hover. It will take a few attempts. Go forward a bit and you will see inside the cave. This is the place where the ladder was located. If you miss the hanging gem, go back to the Gemcutter. Epilogue Complete all sixteen skill points to unlock the "Epilogue" section in the guidebook. This option reveals what happens after the game as well as enemies that were made but were not in the final version. Turn Spyro black Pause the game and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Down. 10,000 gems Money Bags gives you all your gems that you paid him back after beating Ripto, thus giving you 10,000 gems if you collected all of them. Extra lives An extra life is obtained for every ten butterflies Spyro eats. Big head mode Pause the game and press Up, Up, Up Up, R1, R1, R1, R1, Circle to increase the size of Spyro's head. Summer Forest Idol Springs portal As you first enter the world, swim in the pond. At the far side is a tunnel to the first of three puzzles. To complete the first puzzle, jump on the squares to turn the blocks yellow. Jump on the four corners in any order. Then, swim out to the idol in the center of the pond. Blow fire at the fish as they leap out of the water. Only blow at the blue and orange fish. The red ones will deduct fish. At the last puzzle, jump on the blocks in this order: blue triangle, gray triangle, yellow star, orange octagon, and green star. Skill points After defeating Ripto, a Skill Points section will appear in the guidebook. If you complete certain tasks in the game, you will be awarded a skill point. There are a total of 16 skill points in the entire game. After accomplishing one of these tasks, a sound will play and a bonus life will be awarded. 1. In Colusus, get a perfect score. (5-0) while playing hockey 1 on 1. 2. In Idol Springs, glide and land on the big idol next to the hula girl. 3. In Fracture Hills, charge through the supercharge lap three times without stopping. 4. In Skelos Badlands, destroy all the Cacti. 5. In Skelos Badlands, kill all the flying CatBats. 6. In Aquaria Towers, destroy all the seaweed. 7. In Hurricos, destroy all the little windmills. 8. In Scorch, knock coconuts out of all the trees. 9. Defeat Crush without being wounded. 10. Defeat Gulp without being wounded. 11. Defeat Ripto without being wounded. 12. While fighting Gulp, shoot a rocket at Ripto. 13. Beat Ocean Speedway in under 1:10. 14. Beat Canyon Speedway in under 1:10. 15. Beat Metro Speedway in under 1:15. 16. Beat Icy Speedway in under 1:15. Ocean speedway track Hold [X] to go through the rings and arches. Go against the flow for the boats and cars and do them in the following order: rings, arches, cars, boats. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage cheat codes.
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